New Face of My Blog

Hey Blogs!
What's new on my blog? Yes, I'm changing the language to English as I see so many people around the world views my blog while my blog is in Bahasa.

While Indonesia still on top, United States is like whaaat?
I realised I should change the language to English. But I sorta didn't know where to start. And then, something happen. Something extraordinary. Nope, not got in like Tron : Legacy but my English college teacher gave us a task to make a blog. What a coinsidence.

I still have a lot to learn but with my experience of writing an English fanfiction (Whaaat? You did what?) before Ffn blocked in my country, it could be a jump start for me.

Well, I'll start blogging regularly this week (or next week?), recovering from a long time hiatus of this blog. I've got an idea for the next post so, brace yourself!
