Review : Classroom Crisis or More Like Company Crisis?

Classroom Crisis set on future world where human civilizations make interplanetary space travel possible. This anime take place in 4th Tokyo, Japanese Territory in Mars and focused on A-TEC, a research department consist of high schoolers in a huge Japanese corporation Kirishina Corporation. A-TEC is in the brink of disbandment because its consume most of company's budget and the company decided to cut this division's budget.

Classroom Crisis made a rough take off and many people decided to drop this anime. First half of this series was not living on its potential but the last half of the series was great and made a huge make up for first half's disappointment. The plot was blurry and unfocused in the first half of the series. I know they just trying to make things up for the climax in the middle season. But one thing that made me disappointed...

I could not feel the crisis of a classroom.

What I felt is a crisis of a company division. They rarely took place in classroom or even sharing the spotlight with other class student. Even they wrongly name the series, they still managed to make a great ending of this series. Breathtaking. As you didn't sure with everything and yet it was a satisfying ending (that two-timing tho!).

Overall, even Classroom Crisis had a rough start, it ended with a satisfying ending. And that's my review for Classroom Crisis.

Score : B
